Strategic Planning Courses
It is well known that if an organization can plan well and develop an effective strategy, it will be able to answer the following questions: What is the current position of the organization? Where would we like to be in the future? How can achieve this in the best way? All companies, whether private or public, that constantly evaluate these questions can create and even maintain value for their stakeholders. Dr.Maged’s strategic planning courses allow participants to think strategically and create effective plans to help them achieve their desired goals, in addition to covering the strategy implementation phase by focusing on effective monitoring and performance management.
These courses are:
Individual and institutional performance indicators
The Institutional Performance Department is responsible for the systematic method for identifying, measuring and correcting institutional performance indicators according to the aspects of interest to the organization that affects the continuity of its competitiveness and progress.
This course aims to: clarify the concept of individual performance evaluation and highlight its core objectives, review some modern performance evaluation methods, identify individual performance measurement standards and indicators, provide participants with concepts and principles related to the institutional performance evaluation process and introduce the relationship of institutional performance evaluation and the individual performance evaluation process. -
Institutional performance evaluation
This course aims to introduce participants to the concept and importance of institutional performance evaluation, enable participants to develop effective standards for institutional performance evaluation, inform participants of the most important elements of evaluation, as well as introduce them to recent trends in institutional performance evaluation, positive and negative aspects of evaluation based on objective management, and positive and negative aspects of performance evaluation based on evaluation criteria.
Balanced Score Card
The Balanced Scorecard has become a management system widely used in developed countries in business, industry, government, and non-profit organizations around the world. It is a performance measurement system that aims to enable the organization to evaluate performance in an integrated manner by translating the organization's vision and strategies into operational objectives and practical indicators.
This course aims to train and develop the skills of participants to evaluate the performance of subordinates in accordance with a scientific methodology and develop their abilities in designing models and evaluation cards to assess human performance and to review some models, cards and modern methods to raise efficiency and effectiveness, hence achieve the objectives of the institution. -
Results-based strategic planning skills
Strategic planning is a condition for the success of any effort to achieve specific goals, as good planning helps to execute well, thereby reaching the desired results through the process of monitoring what has been implemented and corrected to follow up on the imbalance.
This course aims to know strategic planning and how important it is in the field of business organization management, how strategic planning is adopted as mechanism of action in developing effective strategies while achieving flexible implementation of these strategies, and to know the elements of strategic planning, foundations and standards that contribute to the preparation of the vision, mission and values of the organization. -
Communication Skills During Crisis
Dr. Maged ElSakka presents this course, which focuses on providing participants with knowledge concepts that help them determine the impact of crises on their institutions and the actions that must be taken to lessen those effects. The course also focuses on how to develop communication channels for a rapid and effective response to these crises.
This course aims to enable participants to identify the different types and features of crises, plan crisis management processes that seek to alleviate their potential impact on their institutions, assess and prioritize dimensions related to crisis communication management, and analyze and interpret crisis communication management results. -
Institutional Capacity Development Course
Institutional Capacity Development Course is designed to enhance participants' capabilities, develop their skills and introduce them to the tools, equipment and other materials needed to do the work efficiently, as the concept of capacity development is linked to the idea of increasing or developing skills and competencies at the individual level, i.e. training staff, focusing on overall organizational performance and career capabilities at the enterprise level, as well as increasing the organization's ability to adapt to change.
In this course, participants will be able to learn how to design methodologies of capacity-building, develop their ability to measure capacity results and outputs, as well as develop, monitor and evaluate processes within the organization. -
Strategic management
Strategic management has become a topic of great interest in today's business environment due to the many sudden changes in the business world, and no organization or company is not affected by the surrounding changes. In addition, knowing the desired destination, in the long run, determines the work required in the short term.
This course aims to enable participants to understand the dimensions of strategic decisions taken by strategic planning organizations, to understand the basic concepts, principles and practices associated with the strategy in terms of formulation and implementation, to know the patterns of strategic formulation and to identify the model of modern strategic management. -
Strategic Planning
Business strategies are a set of actions and initiatives aim at achieving a sustainable competitive advantage for companies, with business challenges, most notably competition, and changes in the external environment surrounding corporate operations.
This course aims to provide participants with analysis and strategic planning skills, using external and internal business environment assessment tools, prior to setting strategic and financial objectives, and choosing how best to reach them. -
Corporate performance management
Corporate performance management is responsible for the systematic method of identifying, measuring and correcting institutional performance indicators according to the aspects of interest to the organization that affects the continuity of its competitiveness and growth, and the success of management depends on the balance of measurement aspects and their association with the enterprise strategy.
During this course, we will discuss what results are measured, institutional performance evaluation, importance, benefits and standards, understand the strategic perspective of measuring performance and achieve the objectives of the organization, as well as how to identify the basic principles and practices of successful performance measurement, accurate evaluation of results, will also apply performance measurement methods and practical steps needed to do so. -
Planning, monitoring and evaluation skills
The planning process for the implementation of tasks requires measuring the performance of these tasks before, during and after implementation to ensure that the quality gap in implementation is closed; Therefore, the follow-up and evaluation process is intertwined with the planning process, and today planning, follow-up and evaluation are the general tasks of each administrative leader's job, regardless of the degree and quality of the tasks, hence the importance of this training course in providing administrative leaders with planning, evaluation and follow-up skills for performance.
This course aims to train managers, presidents and specialists involved in operational planning, follow-up, performance evaluation, program development and candidates for these positions. -
Development of supervisory skills
The development of leadership and supervisory skills is a proactive and precautionary activity designed to add value to the employees of any organization seeking excellence and success, and the development of these skills helps the organization achieve its objectives by creating a structured approach to assessing, raising and improving the efficiency of workers in the various departments of the organization, through training, oversight, inspection, correction of deviations and the development of appropriate standards for various administrative departments.
This course aims to enable participants to learn about the basic skills of the supervisor, acquire communication skills with others, learn the principles of key management processes, learn about problem-solving skills, decision-making skills and change management methods. -
Preparing and implementing detailed plans
During this course, the participant learns about the basic concepts of planning and action plans, prepares the action plan document, uses the charts for scheduling the action plan in time and prepares a follow-up report for the action plan.
This course aims to give participants the ability to translate operational plans into detailed action plans and then implement, follow up and evaluate them in order to complement the organization's overall planning effort.
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